
Monday, June 6, 2011

Banana Bread

Usually I buy lots of the bananas in the hope that some will have time to get good and over-ripe before they get eaten.  The riper (ie blacker) the better.  But bananas have been quite expensive in Perth this year due to the tornado and floods in Queensland, so I have not been buying as many.

Fortunately I still had a few over-ripe bananas in the back of my freezer from last year.  So when the banana bread cravings set in I had a handy stash.

For my first attempt at vegan banana bread I decided on the The Post Punk Kitchen's recipe - and I was not disappointed.    The Post Punk Kitchen - Banana Bread

Surprisingly there is no photo on the website so perhaps Isa could use mine ;)

The banana bread is delightfully moist, with a wonderful texture and a sweet, spicey taste.  It is a little bit too sweet even for my sweet tooth, so next time I will reduce the sugar a bit.

The only changes I made:
- I used regular soy milk instead of the vanilla soy milk in the recipe
- I added 1/3 cup of sultanas and 1/2 cup of walnut pieces.  (My husband loves sultanas and walnuts in banana bread.)
I know that the sultanas would have contributed to the sweetness, but even without the sultanas I would prefer to scale back the white sugar a little.

I have a question:  What effect does the apple cider vinegar have?
I looked at quite a few vegan banana bread recipes before deciding on this one and found that a lot used apple cider vinegar.  Is it something to do with replacing the eggs?

Whatever the role of the cider vinegar - the recipe works!  And I will definitely be making it again.