
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

"Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows: An Introduction to Carnism" by Dr. Melanie Joy

I just listened to this amazing talk on YouTube: "Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows: An Introduction to Carnism." by Dr Melanie Joy. It is a little longer than the usual YouTube clip (it's a whole hour) but it is well worth taking the time to watch. 
It is so good I found myself furiously taking notes.  Then I thought "Why don't I just buy myself a copy of Joy's book?" and save myself the trouble of trying to get it all down.

I highly recommend that you make some time to watch this fantastic lecture.

It left me feeling glad that I have already made a big move towards being vegan and fueled my determination to reach my 100% vegan goal.  I particularly related to Joy's description of the denial that it takes to continue consuming animal products. 

A few weeks ago I was chatting with some friends over dinner (most of who are vegetarian/vegan) about our reasons for making the change in our approach to eating.  My initial state reason for becoming a vegetarian was for environmental reasons.  However, once I had made that decision I paid more attention to the animal welfare issues.  I can see that previously I was suppressing any awareness of the animal welfare issues because I did not want to be confronted with the violence inherent in my diet.  Once teh switch was made the flood gates opened and could see very clearly the horrendous implications of meat eating. 

So why did it take me so long to take that first step towards veganism?  Again - more denial and suppression of any thoughts contrary to my desire to consume dairy and eggs.   It has been very interesting to see this veil lifted. 

And now I am wondering what other areas of my life have I built a wall of blindness around?  Peter Singer's "The Life You Can Save" is still sitting unread on my shelf.  The last time I read a book by him was "The Ethics of What We Eat" and that sure had a life changing impact.  I think it is time to quit stalling and read the next book and perhaps embark on the next chapter of my life.


  1. This is a fantastic clip. I watched it and really sat and thought and then I went straight out and bought some Soya Milk.

    I am vegetarian, but I know I should be doing more, something has been niggling at me for a while, maybe by posting this you answered that niggle. I will do what I can to take baby steps in the right direction.

    Thank you.

  2. I am so pleased that you watched the clip. I was very impressed and moved by it. And I am so excited to hear that it effected you also.
    Congratulations on buying Soya Milk. Every small change is a big step in the right direction!

  3. Congratulations on your vegan journey. It's great that you have like-minded friends to support you along the way. I'll have to check out the book, too.

  4. Thanks Blessedmamma. :)
    Support from friends and family (especially Dear Husband) has really helped me keep progressing towards my goal of 100% veganism.

    Love your blog - I have picked up a few recipes and meal ideas.
