
About Me

The Vegan Apprentice

Hi there.  Thanks for checking out my blog.  In case you don't already know me, my name is Mandy. I am a sweet-toothed, book-worm, wife and friend, with a tendency to get over-excited about things.  I am also a General Practitioner and a part-time Arts student with a bent to philosophy and politics. 

In April 2011 I became an apprentice vegan.  The challenge to become a vegan overnight was a bit too daunting for me.  But I wanted to move in that direction and did not want to delay the change any longer.  The Vegan Apprentice may seem like a bit of a silly concept but it is helping me tackle my journey in bite sized pieces (excuse the bad pun). This blog is the story of my journey.

I am accumulating nutritional information, helpful vegan websites and delicious recipes.  I am aiming to create a useful hub of vegan information.  So if you have ever wanted to try to reduce the amount of animal products in your life, or even wondered about it, then perhaps this blog may be helpful.

If you know of any good vegan websites, recipes, nutritional tips or suggestions for this site I would love to hear from you. 

Farm to Fridge Video
My reasons for excluding animal products from my diet are not just about animal welfare - it is also because I am concerned about the environment and because I am convinced of the health benefits.  But the Farm to Fridge video was the kick that finally got me started on my vegan apprenticeship!   My mum posted a link to this video on facebook and so began my vegan conversion.  I can't look at milk now without thinking of a very young calf being violently dragged away from its distressed and bellowing mother.
Warning: you may not want to watch this video with small children or immediately after eating a meal containing animal products.  Also, if you are anything like me you may need to have the tissue box handy.